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Custody Certificate in Indonesia shares more Details about Parental Authority of a Single Parent

Sunday, 30 July 2023
275 times

What is a Custody Certificate?

A custody certificate is a legal document. It is issued by competent authorities in Indonesia. It outlines your custody authority and arrangement for a child. Your child. The custody certificate basically is evidence that proves your rights and responsibilities as a parent or guardian. So, it is bonafide evidence regarding the custody of your child. 

The custody certificate can also be an agreement or an arrangement with your ex-spouse. It is an official recognition that ensures clarity and reduces ambiguity regarding the issues of your child custody. It specifies crucial details like, among others, your details as the custodial parent, your ex-spouse’s rights of visitation, your authority in decision-making, and other terms and conditions related thereto.

So, a custody certificate comes in many forms and you can retrieve it from literally many situations in your life. You can obtain it after you get divorced from your spouse. It may be retrieved from a divorce settlement. It may also be obtainable when you’re a single mother with a child born outside a legal marriage. 

Why Do You Need the Custody Certificate?

You definitely need it, especially when you’re a global citizen. Here’s why:

Clarity and legal recognition. The custody certificate is very important in verifying, laying the foundation of legal recognition, and developing the best interests of your child. 

Enforceability. In the event there is a dispute regarding the custody of your child, the certificate of custody can be very useful to serve as evidence in a court proceedings, literally everywhere. It is valid worldwide. The custody certificate also provides stability and support for your child.  

Stability and well-being of the child. In the future, the certificate of child custody may prevent potential conflicts with your ex-spouse in the event of misinterpretation of the custody arrangements. The custody certificate in Indonesia carries an important mission in making sure that the rights and well-being of your child are protected.  

How Can You Get the Custody Certificate?

The first thing that you should have in mind is: the best interest of the child. If you think you are the person that can give the best for your child, you’re the person that deserves to get the custody certificate. 

Well, it doesn’t have to be all about money. The way you upbring and nurture the child are the things that can get you to win the case. The way you spend time with your child and not out partying with your friends all night, would definitely win the judges’ heart. You’re the one! They called this situation as parental fitness. Your fitness as a parent. It is your ability to provide your child with a stable and nurturing environment. 

Another thing that you should remember is that your case is not the same as others. Each case is unique. The judge examines all related factors on a case-by-case basis. The two top priorities are the child’s best interests, and parental fitness. 

In shorts, it is basically about you giving all the best for your child. There are many Supreme Court’s decision in Indonesia to back this situation where you could potentially lose custody of your child. But, I am not going to bore you with some technicalities. I am here to discuss some casual stuff only. Do not worry about the legal things. Let me and my team handle it with care at Wijaya & Co.


Our thanks to Asep Wijaya, Managing Director of Wijaya & Co for sharing this information with us!

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